Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Maharagama Cancer Hospital- make a difference, just go and play.

The two apples- One of the last pictures in the video is of two apples, many people have asked me why, so I thought would I write it out here. The whole time we were there, we were the only volunteers that visited, except on our last day. Once a month, one of the public schools in the area sends two students with a box of apples, they distribute them out to the patients and then leave. That's it. That is the only other "volunteer" program that goes on there. The kids in the hospital literally have nothing, besides what we brought in the form of arts and crafts, these apples were the only other gifts they received, and the only break they had from their hospital diet. As we were saying goodbye, to show their gratitude, they all wanted us to take their apples as gifts, perhaps the most touching gesture of appreciation that I have ever experienced. Anyways after much convincing, we managed to convince them to keep most of the apples, and just took the two. Best apple I have ever had.